Nature Forest Wallpaper History
Latest study by researchers at the University of Arizona shows that Amazon forest has developed very well following the drought. Previous forecasts suggested that because of lack of rain, forests located along the Amazon will begin to dry after only a month. "Despite fears that trees will be on the ground, forests have responded positively to droughts, at least in the short term," said Scott R. Saleska, author of the study. He added that development of forests is a very interesting and surprising response to supplement heat.For instance, in 2005, when drought has reached the maximum at the beginning of the dry season from July to September, the trees have become significantly more green, indicating increased photosynthetic activity. "We've looked at pictures of the mattress, but we used only data from the ground, even during 2005," said Saleska Professor, Department of Ecology and biology of the American University of Sao Paulo.American and Brazilian researchers say that Amazon jungle had even some advantages from the dry season, because some species have developed better than usual. Research scientists have not examined so far how virgin forest reacts to drought. Previous climate models showed that, in contrast, photosynthesis in the Amazon will cease immediately after the drought. Theoretically, the trees would have absorbed increasingly less carbon dioxide, which would have led to increased global warming.But forest reaction was fortunately good for us and for the planet. Amazon jungle is "dried", but will survive global warming Recent studies have shown that the Amazon is less vulnerable to global warming than was thought until now, because the models used in the simulations did not estimated well the volume of rainfalls. British authors of the studies showed that Brazil was forced to seek help in stopping the phenomenon of drying the eastern area of the Amazon jungle, considered irreversible process caused by global warming, deforestation and forest fires.In the bulletin of the US National Academy of Sciences, British researchers noted that "the regime of precipitation in eastern Amazonia will help in this century seasonal vegetation development rather than the specific savannahs. Seasonal vegetation component.For most of its history wallpaper has been the poor relation of the decorative arts: because it is fragile, ephemeral, and easy to replace it has often disappeared from the historical record. The history of wallpaper has been based largely on those pieces which have passed into archives and museum collections, supplemented by those papers that survive in historic buildings, and those represented in pictorial records of interiors.Wallpaper has generally been thought of as background rather than foreground (with some notable exceptions such as Chinese papers and the early 19th-century French scenic decorations). Nevertheless, its role in the overall decorative scheme is a vital one, and the choice of wallpaper affects the mood and style of a room, and may influence the choice of other furnishings. The wallpaper itself may be indicative of the function of a room, and will often reflect the age, status or gender of its inhabitants or habitual occupants. William Morris recognised the importance of wallpaper when he advised in one of his lectures;'Whatever you have in your rooms think first of the walls for they are that which makes your house and home, and if you do not make some sacrifices in their favour you will find your chambers have a kind of makeshift, lodging-house look about them…'Yet divergent opinions about wallpaper were apparent from the beginning. Some considered it to be attractive, clean and durable, whereas others regretted that the fashion for wallpaper had supplanted other methods of wall-decoration. This widespread and continuing ambivalence towards wallpaper can, to a large extent, be attributed to wallpaper’s essentially imitative character. It is almost always designed to look like something else – tapestry, velvet, chintz, silk drapery, linen, wood, masonry, a mural. For much of its history wallpaper has appeared (at least at first sight) to be something other than merely printed paper, and as an affordable substitute for more costly materials it has never quite thrown off the taint that comes from being a cheap imitation.
Several 19th-century novelists have employed the motif of wallpaper to characterise those who reject honesty and integrity in favour of sham and show. In Hardy’s Far From the Madding Crowd, set in the 1840s, the handsome vain flashy Sergeant Troy, newly married to Bathsheba Everdene and thus in possession of Weatherbury Farm House, explicitly rejects the honesty and integrity that the un-modernised house represents. He complains:'A rambling gloomy house this…I feel like new wine in an old bottle here. My notion is that sash-windows should be put in through-out, and these old wainscoted walls brightened up a bit; or the oak cleaved quite away and walls papered.'Likewise, the new Mrs Gibson, in Mrs Gaskell’s Wives and Daughters (1866), tries to impose her own values in the home of her husband, and stepdaughter Molly. Eager to pet and please her daughter Cynthia who will shortly be arriving from 'pretty, gay France' she determines that she will 'new-furnish' her bedroom, and Molly’s too, though the latter objects to her much-loved familiar furnishings with their associations of a happier past being ousted by 'a little French bed, and a new paper, and a pretty carpet.' The author makes explicit Mrs Gibson’s concern for appearances above all else when she explains to Molly that her room must be re-decorated, even against her will, so that people will not say that her stepmother has slighted her but indulged her own daughter.Both Gaskell and Hardy articulate a commonplace view of the period, which held wallpaper in high regard. In both these instances a new wallpaper is advocated by those who are shallow and false, in-comers with no attachment to the past or to the values cherished by other morally superior characters. These literary details confirm wallpaper’s long association with deception and illusion, and with the rejection of tradition and integrity. In France too we find wallpaper implicitly associated with a rejection of history and tradition: Madame de Genlis (in 1760) bemoaned the frivolous ephemeral fashion for English wallpapers which had driven the Gobelin tapestries out of style. Wallpaper itself comes to stand for a decline in values, both moral and social:'In the old days, when people built, they built for two or three hundred years; the house was furnished with tapestries made to last as long as the building; the trees they planted were their children’s heritage; they were sacred woodlands. Today forests are felled, and children are left with debts, paper on their walls, and new houses that fall to pieces!'
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